Cheer and support your 80km solo and team runners
Spectators, support crews and team mates and able to clap and cheer on all runners at the various points along the course.
The race course is accessible to the public with numerous locations to see the runners – and in the process you’ll visit some very scenic sections of the Margaret River region along the way – perfect!

This was an incredible experience, organised brilliantly with amazing scenery around every corner. – 2021 Competitor
Checkpoints and recommended viewing
The checkpoints are the best locations to see the runners and are the only places where competitors may receive external assistance from support crew and/or team mates.
Designated checkpoints:
- Start: Hamelin Bay boat ramp
- Checkpoint 1: 11.5km at the Boranup Campsite.
- Checkpoint 2: 26km at the Conto Campground
- Checkpoint 3: 46km Riflebutts Reserve, Gnarabup
- Checkpoint 4: 64km Gracetown Community Hall (NEW location for 2025)
- Finish: 77.7km Howard Park Wines.
[Any runners seen to be receiving any external support outside of these checkpoints will be given a 30 minute penalty . This includes collecting water bottles or other hydration or nutrition from spectators as well as items that have been ‘pre-placed’ on the course for collection during the race.]
Other recommended locations to see but not support runners:
- 38.5km pt – at Redgate Beach
- 44km pt – at the southern end of Gas Bay Rd in Gnarabup
- 48km pt – at Surfers Point and the Margaret River mouth
- 58km pt – Ellensbrook Homestead
- 61km pt – at the southern end of Left Handers

Detailed checkpoint information
Race Start – Hamelin Bay
Where: Hamelin Bay beach.
What: Race start: 6:15am for solos, 8:00am for relay teams
Driving directions: Drive to the end of Hamelin Bay Road. Start line is 100m away on the beach.
Parking instructions: Park in the sealed car park near the boat ramp and on the road side – but please ensure that 2 way access is maintained at all times.
General notes:
- The 80km ultra starts on the sand, then runners go up the boat ramp, through the car park and out the main road for 1km before turning on to the trails.
CP1 – Boranup Campsite
Where: Boranup Campsite. 11.5km point.
Expected first solo runner / team runner: 7:10am / 8:45am
Driving directions: From Hamelin Bay: Drive out Hamelin Bay Road and then continue north on Caves Road for 7km then turn left onto Boranup Drive. The CP is 1.4km up this road. From Margaret River township: Drive south on Caves Road and turn right into the southern end of Boranup Drive.
Parking instructions: There is VERY LIMITED car parking at CP1. All cars must park on the left hand side of Boranup Drive and must ensure that two-way access to other cars is maintained AT ALL TIMES. Please park as directed and be willing to walk up to 1km to get to the CP itself.
- This CP is restricted to ONE car per solo runner and ONE car per team. But unless you really need to come to this CP we’d encourage you to keep clear as it is very small and tight for space
- Be aware that runners cross Boranup Drive after exiting the CP so take care when driving past
- NO DOGS. National Parks declare this a no dogs area and will enforce it on the day.
CP2 – Conto Campsite
Where: Conto Campsite – ‘Hamelin’ camping area. 26km point.
Expected first solo runner / team runner: 8:20am / 10:00am
Driving directions: From CP1 on Boranup Drive: do a U-turn and drive back to Caves Road and turn left (north). Drive 13.5km north on Caves Road then turn left into Conto Road, signposted ‘Lake Cave’. Turn left a short distance later and follow signs to Conto Campsite 1.3km further on. From Margaret River: drive south on Caves Road and turn right into Conto Road when you see the ‘Lake Cave’ sign.
Parking instructions: This CP is restricted to ONE car per solo runner and ONE car per team as car parking VERY TIGHT. Conto Campsite is a rabbit warren of roads, campsites and tracks. There will be parking in spare campsites, on road edges and back out on Conto Road. Please park as directed. If parking on the side of the road, ensure you park well off the side to maintain access. Be willing to walk up to 1km to get to the CP itself.
General notes:
- Once you have parked follow the signs to the ‘Hamelin’ camping area which is where the runners will enter / exit the CP.
- Runners will enter / exit the Conto Campsite via a short 2-way track and the layout will allow you to see them for a short time before they reach the fenced off transition area itself.
- NO DOGS. National Parks declare this a no dogs area and will enforce it on the day.
CP3 – Riflebutts Reserve
Where: Riflebuts Reserve, Prevelly. 46km point.
Expected first solo runner / team runner: 10:00am / 11:25am
Driving directions: From CP2: Drive back out to Caves Road and turn left (north). Continue 5km along Caves Road and then turn left onto Wallcliffe Rd (signposted Prevelly). Turn right into Surfers Pt Rd and then left onto Mitchell Dve and then turn right at the first roundabout to enter the parking area where you will be directed by marshals. It is a short walk from the carpark to the actual CP.
Parking instructions: Park in the car park north of Mitchell Dr or on the grass beside the car park north of the road. Do NOT park on Mitchell Dve verge. If you do, you will be fined!! You’ve been warned. Alternative parking is in the Surfers Pt parking area and walk back down the pedestrian pathway into Riflebutts Reserve.
General notes:
- Runners enter/exit the Reserve from the ocean pathway.
- The CP is located right next to the permanent toilet block.
“I enjoyed the time I spent at CP 3 and CP4, and the finish. It is a lovely part of the world and a good excuse to visit some out of the way places (like Ellensbrook house). We were pumped spending time as a team, cheering each other on!” Kristie, Relay Team Competitor
CP4 – Gracetown Community Hall (new location for 2025)
NOTE: we have changed the location of CP4 for 2025 to provide more parking for support crews and the option of moving the CP into the hall if the weather is bad. Map coming soon.
Where: Gracetown Community Hall. Salter St. Gracetown. 64km point
Expected first solo runner / team runner: 11:45am / 1:05pm
Driving directions: From CP3: Drive back out to Caves Road and turn left (north). Continue along Caves Road for 13km and turn left into Cowaramup Bay Rd. Drive 4km into Gracetown at the end of the road, turn left on to Salter St. The CP is in the gravel car park at the Community Hall, opposite the end of Georgette St.
Parking instructions: There is a dirt car park and recreation reserve at the checkpoint.
- The CP is located in/next to the hall.
- Nearby Gracies Store serves good coffee and food.
Finish line – Howard Park Wines
Where: Howard Park Wines
Expected winning solo runner / team runner: 1:00pm / 2:00pm
Driving directions: From CP4: Drive back out to Caves Road and turn left (north). Continue 3.4km north along Caves Road and then turn right into Fifty One Rd. Proceed 1.3km along Fifty One Rd then turn left into Howard Park Wines. Please ONLY enter via Fifty One Rd – not via Miamup Rd.
Parking instructions: There is considerable parking on the grass surrounding the event centre. Please follow the signs and direction of marshals.
General notes:
- This is the elusive finish line and the site of great accomplishments and satisfaction when runners cross the line!!
- Team mates are welcome to meet their Leg 5 runner at the road crossing and run the last 400m down through the vines together.
- Competitors cross over Caves Road at Juniper Rd, so please be aware of runners.

Support for solo runners
We encourage all solo 80km runners to have a support crew to assist you during your race BUT the race is designed and delivered so that you do not need a support crew and can do the race as a solo competitor unaided. This is made possible because the following support services are provided:
- Bus from the finish to the start on race morning. You park your car at the finish and get our group transport to the start. This will be on a user pays basis.
- Drop bags. We will transport a ‘drop bag’ of your pre-prepared clothing / nutrition from registration at Howard Park Wines to each of the checkpoints for you free of charge. Bags will be returned to the Event Centre when each checkpoint is closed.
- Race nutrition at checkpoints. We will provide considerable food and hydration at the designated checkpoints that is free for all competitors to access. Further details here
- Bag transfer from the start back to the finish with any items you do not need (such as a warm jumper…)
- Trail ‘love’! Our race marshals and volunteers will give you plenty of love and attention when on the course if you need it – you will have all out encouragement and support!
If you have any questions about the logistics for solo runners then please call us on (03) 5261 5511 or e-mail on [email protected]
We recommend the following cafes and restaurants whenever you are visiting the Margaret River region for the event:
Hamelin Bay (START LINE) – A mobile coffee cart will be set up in the Hamelin Bay caravan park immediately adjacent the car park. This coffee cart is CASH ONLY. There is no reception for EFT terminal. There is also a handy little general store in the caravan park for any last minute supplies!
The White Elephant Cafe – Located 1.5km south of CP3 this popular cafe provides 360 degree views of Gnarabup Bay and has a great menu and awesome coffee mixed with a chilled vibe.
The Sea Garden Cafe in Prevelly – located just 400m from CP3 on Mitchell Dr. They have a great elevated outlook and serve excellent coffee and light meals.
Gracies Cafe at Gracetown – Located just 400m away from CP4 at the 64km point this will provide the perfect pick me up as you wait for your runners to complete Leg 4. They serve great lunches + snacks + coffee with a friendly vibe.
The Cheeky Monkey Brewery – a great sponsor of the event and an ever better place to celebrate your stories from the trail on race weekend and at any other time when you’re down south with great food, coffee, beer, wine, cider and extensive grounds.