Cheer and support the 42km runners!
Spectators and supporters are welcome to follow the 42km race to cheer and encourage all runners at the various access points along the course.
HERE is a PDF map of the course showing Water Points and other spectator spots.
Selected water points – as listed below – are the best places to see runners and the ONLY places where support crews can support their runners along the course.
START – Yallingup Beach
Where: Yallingup Beach – at the bottom of Yallingup Beach Rd.
When: Race start: 8:00am
Driving directions: Drive to the end of Yallingup Beach Rd and park in the large car park at road end. Start line is 50m away on the beach.
Parking instructions: Park in the sealed car park or along Yallingup Beach Rd and other signposted overflow areas.
Runners will commence with a mass start on the sand – immediately opposite the lagoon – and all spectators are encouraged to line the beach and cheer them on.

Water Point 1 – Yallingup playground – 6.3km point
Where: In the Yallingup Village – at the bottom of Yallingup Beach Rd.
Expected first / last runner: 8:25am / 9:40am
Driving directions: This is immediately adjacent the start! So stay parked in the same spot!
Support Crew Access? YES – support crews can visit this spot and handle their runners.
After starting on the beach, runners effectively do a lap of the Yallingup township and come back past the start at the 6.3km pt. Spectators can easily see them and give them some HUGE ENCOURAGEMENT as they come through Water Point 1 and continue on their journey.
Runners can access the race hydration and nutrition supplied by the event AND / OR receive additional items from support crews at this point.
Water Point 2 – Wyadup Rd – 13km point
Where: At the northern end of Wyadup Road.
Expected first / last runner: 8:55am / 10:50am
Driving directions: From Yallingup drive back out Yallingup Beach Rd and turn right onto Caves Road, driving south for 5.3km where you turn right onto Wyadup Road. Continue 4km along Wyadup Road to the Water Point at the road end.
Parking instructions: There is very limited car parking at the end of Wyadup Road and cars will be directed to park along the sides of the road, so be prepared to walk up to 1-2km to get to the checkpoint.
Support Crew Access? YES – support crews can visit this spot and handle their runners.
Runners come through this Water Point on the Cape to Cape walking track and spectators can check their progress, give them support and set them on their way. Runners can also access the race hydration and nutrition supplied by the event AND / OR receive additional items from support crews.
NOTE: Water Point 3 at Moses Rock and Water Point 4 at Juniper Road are NOT ACCESSIBLE TO SUPPORT CREWS due to the limited space for parking and access. Please DO NOT visit these locations on race day.
The FINISH! 42km point

Where: Howard Park Winery.
Expected winning solo runner / last runner: 11:05am / 3:55pm
Driving directions: From Water Point 2: Drive back out to Caves Road and turn right (south). Continue 16km along Caves Road and then turn left into Fifty One Rd. Proceed 1.3km along Fifty One Rd then turn left into Howard Park Wines. Please ONLY enter via Fifty One Rd – NOT via Miamup Rd.
Parking instructions: There is considerable parking on the grass surrounding the event centre. Please follow the signs and direction of marshals.
This is the FINISH LINE and the chance to truly celebrate all achievements!
NOTE: there are a number of things happening at Howard Park on Sunday morning that you are welcome to participate in while 42km runners are on course, including:
- 9:00am food, coffee and wine tastings available in the event expo area
- 9:30am Kid’s run (2km)
- 10:00am – 10:45am presentations for the 80km Ultra Marathon (held on Sunday)
- 11:05am first 42km runner expected to finish
Any runners seen to be receiving any external support outside of these Water Points will be given a 30 minute time penalty – this includes collecting water bottles or other hydration or nutrition from spectators as well as items that have been ‘pre-placed’ on the course for collection during the race.

Other suggested viewing points
Listed below are other points along the course where support crews can see their runner (but not provide any assistance).
- 9.5km point – Smiths Beach
- 15.5km point – end of Cape Clairault Road
- 30km point – Willyabrup sea cliffs. Park your car at the end of Wilyabrup Road and walk approx. 800m to the Cape to Cape Track.
NOTE: Waterpoint 3 at Moses Rock and Waterpoint 4 at Juniper Road are NOT ACCESSIBLE TO SUPPORT CREWS due to the limited space for parking and access. Please DO NOT visit these locations on race day.
Support for solo runners
Whilst it is helpful to have a support crew to assist you during your race it is NOT NECESSARY and the race is designed and delivered so that 42km runners do not need assistance. This is made possible due to the following support services:
- Bus from the finish to the start on race morning. You park your car at the finish and get our group transport to the start. This will be on a user pays basis.
- Drop bags. We will transport a ‘drop bag’ of your pre-prepared clothing / nutrition from registration at Howard Park Wines to each of the checkpoints for you free of charge. Drop Bags will be returned to the Event Centre when each Check Point is closed.
- Race nutrition at Water Points. We will provide considerable food and hydration at the designated checkpoints that is free for all competitors to access.
- Bag transfer from the start back to the finish with any items you do not need (such as a warm jumper…)
- Trail ‘love’! Our race marshals and volunteers will give you plenty of love and attention when on the course if you need it – you will have all out encouragement and support!
If you have any questions about the logistics please call us on (03) 5261 5511 or e-mail on [email protected]

We recommend the following cafes along the 42km course for the event:
- Yallingup (START LINE) – There is a range of great cafés and restaurants in Yallingup who will be open to serve you on event morning
- The Cheeky Monkey Brewery – a great sponsor of the event and an even better place to celebrate your stories from the trail on race weekend and at any other time when you’re in the region with great food, coffee, beer, wine, cider and extensive grounds. You drive right past their front door!
- Stormflower Vineyard – a partner and supporter of the event, Stormflower makes unique, hand crafted wines exclusively from their own grapes. Drop in for a tasting whilst driving past.
- Howard Park Wines – our official event host. They offer some magnificent tastings and services for visitors at all times of the year.